I invite you to read more about my offerings:
I pull activities from myriad sources, including an extensive library of tried-and-true teaching guides from my decades of working with students. Some of my go-to books are:
- Family Math –Stenmark/Thompson/Cossey
- Games for Math, Games for Reading, Games for Writing – Peggy Kaye
- Nimble with Numbers – Childs/Choate/Kenkins
- Mega-Fun Math Games – Schiro/Walker
- Writing to Persuade/Explain/Inform – Kathleen Rogers
- Literacy Through Literature – Johnson/Louis
- Mad Libs – Price/Stern
I also grab ideas from educational support websites and videos, homeschooling moms’ blogs, pamphlets that come with manipulatives such as fraction tiles and blank dice, materials I and colleagues generated during my eighteen years of teaching … whatever engages students and gets the job done!